Ignited Steel

Ignited Steel is a mech roguelike turn-based tactics game. It is my first commercial game and also the first time I have worked with a publisher: Meteorbyte Publishing++

Ignited Steel title


Hopebringers is a turn-based tactics game with a tabletop RPG setting. It was made during my last year of college as a final project.

Hopebringers title

Level Design

In this section, you will find multiple projects focused on level design.

Level Design


Icarus is an adventure puzzle game with a classic sci-fi setting. It was my first project working with a team and my first time writing for a game. Unfortunately, all texts are in Spanish.

Icarus title

About Me


Hello there! My name is Jorge Rodriguez and, I'm a Junior Game Designer with one year of experience as an indie developer. I have participated in several projects while I was studying for a Game Design Degree. After that, I spent one year developing my own indie game with a group of ex-classmates: Ignited Steel.
On a personal level, I especially love video games and reading novels. Apart from that, I try to spend my time learning and trying new things. I consider myself a curious person and enjoy living new experiences so I can broaden my horizons.
Down here, you can see and download my CV. If you need anything else, feel free to contact me at jorgerodriguezjovedev@gmail.com .